Graphic books have gained almost virally in popularity over the last few years. As a stubborn librarian, I put my foot down concerning the addition of graphic books to our collection. I thought children should read words, not look at pictures. What nonsense and silliness! Nearly always on the cutting edge, I fell down on this one. Oh sure, I've added some titles the last couple of years, you know, those half-way books like Fashion Kitty and A Very Merry Christmas (Geronimo Stilton, No. 35). Of course, The Adventures of Captain Underpants led the way.
By the time of the Graphic Library history/biographies, entrenched librarians like me were ready. We could peek into books like this. Well, lo and behold, when what to my eyes did appear--an informative, both verbally and visually, book about the making of blue jeans. I was fascinated! To Nathan Olson's research and words are added to-the-point illustrations by Dave Hoover, Keith Williams, and Charles Barnett III. How they divided their labor, I don't know, but the finals results are truly revealing.
So, what can a student learn? The title page itself foreshadows THE details that made Levi's stand out above the others: orange thread, seagull V symbol on the pockets, and the little red symbolic Levi's label to the left of the pockets. Originally, Strauss started out with canvas for a strong pair of pants for miners, cowboys, railroad workers, and other tough jobs. When he no longer could obtain canvas,, you must read and see for yourself how denim became the domain for jeans.
All of this story is told succinctly in just a few pages (25), but other details are added in two more pages. The book concludes with a glossary, internet sites to visit, a list of books to read (aha!), and Olson's sources.
Librarians, teachers, parents, if you are in doubt about the quality of this graphic information book, cease. I am amazed at how much I learned--and retained through words and illustrations. This book is well worth your money! The intended age is about second through fifth grades, although interest in blue jeans could carry it further. As a suggestion: For students (including older ones) who finish assignments early, have a display of graphic books at hand for quick reads (and addition of basic knowledge)!
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